Monday, March 19, 2012

When It Comes to Jobs, Many Refuse to Wait on Washington

Courtesy: Business Week

While leaders from both parties twiddle their thumbs and half-heartedly ponder the economic “crisis” over steak and cocktails at the finest Washington establishments, our nation's brave men and women continue to lose their jobs, homes, and families courtesy of their inactivity. The Dumbocraps and Repubic-cons refuse to take little, if any, responsibility for their party's limited response to the nightmare and, instead, blame the opposition for the problems. Wait until election time, they promise, and things will get better for America.

Sure. Sure.

Such incessant, mind-numbing chatter from our nation's leaders in unacceptable. I say vote the rascals out—from both parties—in 2012, and start with a clean slate. In the meantime, however, we need positive, life-affirming results and we need them now!

While it is so tempting to wallow in self-pity—cry and complain how miserable life is right now, it does little, if any, good. Forget about congress being our saviors from this madness! Realize these elected officials only tune in to WIFM—What's In It For Me: Their Station of Choice. Seriously, I doubt if many of them actually care. Instead, they are in their private, relatively stress-free world far from their constituents. Their only worries are a watered-down martini and getting re-elected. No..We need to get off our “ifs, ands, or buts”, and put our own selves back to work.

Putting ourselves back to work is easier said than done! I should know! Every time I see worry in the eyes of my loved ones, I kick myself even harder for not being the man God intended. So, I dig a little deeper and search a little harder in hopes that somehow—some way—my efforts to improve our situation will not go without reward.

Like the timeworn cliche' says: Desperate times call for desperate measures. Many good, decent Americans realize this and scour the classifieds—online and off—for jobs. Others utilize the services of headhunters, while others frequently visit job boards such as Careerbuilder or Monster. If they are fortunate, they land a job or two—sometimes making less than their previous employment. If not, many tackle odd jobs to pay the rent or utilities.

The undaunted enlist their friends, neighbors, family, and former co-workers in their job search. They refuse to surrender the “American Dream”. Some, fueled by caffeine, creativity, and a hunger for money, become self-employed.

Giving up is not an option for these brave men and women. Even when Washington turns their backs on them, they are willing to step up to the plate.

Unlike many of these men and women, I am no hero. However, I am tackling two commission-based jobs and am also self-employed. I refuse to wait for our economy to improve. After all...As long as we have politicians from both parties grandstanding and playing the blame game, there won't be business as usual.

We have to take matters into our own hands.

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