Monday, March 19, 2012

The King of Dating Disasters Tells All

Let's face it: We're not kids anymore—most of us, anyway. So...Chances are great you've had a bad date at least once or twice in your lifetime. Some of us even go through a series of bad dates before finding that special someone. Yet, bad dates can be a great teaching tool which, in turn, will strengthen the odds for better dating experiences down the road.

Perhaps my poor dating experiences can benefit you. Here--in no particular order--are four things I learned when single:

  1. Never Give Anyone Your Address—Even if You're A Guy! Over coffee on a first date, a slightly unhinged woman threatened to kill herself if I ever left her. I quickly ended the date, fearing for my life and hers. That was the wise, self-preserving thing to do. However, I forgot that I had given her my address. The next day, she angrily appears on my doorstep, calls me everything but a Child of God, and then proceeds to call everyone by my last name in the phone book—telling them what a lowlife, two-timing loser I was to her! Thank God she didn't carry a weapon!

  1. I Talk Too Much! I discovered this when I had a first date with a pretty blonde who spoke incessantly—even while chewing her food. Perhaps she was nervous, but I couldn't get a word in edge-wise. I learned so much about her—and, surprisingly, about myself: I do talk too much! I was a male version of this lady—too talkative and me-oriented. From hereon out, I vowed to listen more and talk less.

  1. Never Use A Date's Computer—Until You Really Know That Person!One night, my phone rang while I was in a popular fast-food restaurant. My then-girlfriend wanted to know who so-and-so was and why did she send a “hugz” my way. I quickly learned she had checked her computer's history. While my 'hugz” came from a platonic female friend, her assumptions hurt our relationship and broke my heart.

  1. Even If You Click, You Can't Hurry Love! More than a few times in my life, I've rushed into a relationship—only to frighten the object of my affection away. Some I fondly recall with slightly cute nicknames, like Golfing Woman or Coffee Lady. I discovered I was moving too fast. It was like the Tortoise and the Hare: Slow and Steady wins the race.

Though none of these dates turned into a lifetime romance, I've learned from each and every date. Perhaps, by reading this, you'll avoid some of the dating mistakes I did.VisitHERE for more online dating success!

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