Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ol' Baldy Says “Hair Today or Gone Tomorrow: It's Your Choice!”

Chrome Dome...Baldy...Mister Clean...When I was younger, my friends use to tease me about my lack of hair—calling me names which hurt my overly sensitive feelings. (Yes, I was a wimp back then!) They didn't mean anything by these words and didn't know how sensitive I was about my hair loss—even to the point I'd hide my misfortune with an obvious comb-over.

My comb-overs were so ridiculously obvious, I wasn't fooling anyone. One day in my late 20s, I had my oldest son Michael push me into the swimming pool. Afterwords, I cut my hair.

Many years later, I wear my baldness proudly. Every other day or so, I shave my head. Now in my 50s, I finally have accepted my fate. Besides, I have the perfect head for no hair—neither pointed or flat. Just right.

But there are times I wish I had a full head of hair my girlfriend could put her fingers through. Few things feel better than a scalp massage! And...when I am out in the sun for any period of time, I need to to wear a baseball hat or risk skin cancer like my father, another bald guy.

While I accept my baldness for the most part, there are other men and even women who are broken up about their thinning hair! Some conceal their balding pates by hats or hair pieces. Some have resorted to expensive, even painful hair treatments while others have been paralyzed by depression. Many even refuse to develop a reasonably normal social life, fearing ridicule. I even read about a young man who killed himself due to going bald.

I'm one of those guys who believes if someone can't accept me for who I am—lack of hair and all, I say forget them! I don't need their acceptance of me to define who I am! Yet, I know I may not be the norm.

Yet, before you sink into such despair, please contact a counselor for help. Realize there are many wonderful people who accept a person for who they are inside. Also, know there are many inexpensive hair restoration treatments available to the public.

Thinning hair is not the end of the world, my friends. Neither is going bald.  However, if you need help for these issues, get the help you need. Perhaps it will give you the peace-of-mind you richly deserve.

CLICK HERE for more information.

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